Black-legged kittiwake

on September 9 | in Gulls+, Kittiwakes | by | with No Comments

The Black-legged kittiwake – Rissa tridactyla is a small sized Holarctic oceanic species of Type – seabird of the family Laridae and the Order Charadriiformes. It is a widely dispersed summer breeder to the N Polar Region and outside the breeding season migrates S to winter at sea in the N Pacific Ocean, the N Atlantic Ocean and W Mediterranean Sea. In the AWB Region it winters offshore of the Atlantic coasts of NW Africa and the N coasts of the Maghreb states.

Type - seabird - colonial breeder on Arctic Region rocky coastal cliffs, 
Summer Habitat - sub-Arctic to Arctic rocky coastal cliffs and islands, 
Winter Habitat -open ocean waters, 

Order:  Charadriiformes
Family: Laridae
Subfamily: Larinae
Genus:  Rissa

Species...Rissa tridactyla
Black-legged kittiwake - Species -
Black-legged kittiwake - Species sheet -
Black-legged kittiwake - Overview -
Black-legged kittiwake - Species -
Black-legged kittiwake - Sounds & Maps -

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Black-legged kittiwake - Video -
Black-legged kittiwake - Datazone -
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