Jun 25 |
Ducks+, Swans |
Little Stint |
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The Whooper swan (Cygnus cygnus) is a very large Palearctic swan. Its range extends from Iceland right across Northern Europe, Russia and Siberia to the Far East. It migrates South to many separate temperate regions from the UK...
Jun 25 |
Ducks+, Swans |
Little Stint |
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The Tundra swan (Cygnus columbianus) is the smallest of the Holarctic swans and is a recent combination of two traditional species, the Bewick’s swan of the old world Palearctic region and the Whistling swan of the North...
Jun 23 |
Ducks+, Swans |
Little Stint |
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The Mute Swan (Cygnus olor), is a typical swan species, and is a very large bird, native to much of Eurasia and a rare winter visitor to the North African coastal strip. Order..: AnseriformesFamily.: AnatidaeGenus..: Cygnus...