Cinnamon bittern

on June 22 | in Bitterns, Herons+ | by | with Comments Off on Cinnamon bittern

The Cinnamon bittern – Ixobrychus cinnamomeus is a small water-bird of the heron Family Ardeidae and of the Order Pelecaniformes. It is an Old World species and is predominantly resident in S, SE and E Asia, there is some migratory breeding movement N in summer, into Uttar Pradesh and E China. There is a resident population in E Pakistan which is the closest population to the AWB Region, so there are only Accidental records in the AWB Region.

Type - water-bird
Breeding Habitat - Reed beds, nests on platform of reeds on shrubs base
Resident Habitat  - Rice fields, wild grassy scrub areas around wetlands, ditches, mangroves

Order:   Pelecaniformes
Family:  Ardeidae
Genus:  Ixobrychus

Species - Ixobrychus cinnamomeus
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