Common quail

on June 30 | in Pheasants+, Quails | by | with No Comments

The Common quail (Coturnix coturnix) is a small game bird but being a migratory species it has relatively longer wings than the typical game bird. It breeds widely over Western Eurasia. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder in Turkey, the South Caucasus, Cyprus, the Levant, N Syria, N Iraq and N and NW Iran. Across the Maghreb states it is a summer breeder in the high mountains, below that it is resident and in the winter their range extends a little further South. The main wintering area is a broad band W to E across the Sahel combining with a broad N to S band between the Nile and the Red Sea stretching into S Kenya. There is another large wintering area covering the Congo basin. From the central Ethiopian Highlands down to South Africa along the Eastern side of Africa there are large areas where it is resident or breeding grounds only, typical for many birds across Africa where breeding varies according to local climatic factors.

Order:  Galliformes
Family: Phasianidae
Genus:  Coturnix

Species...Coturnix coturnix
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