Diederik cuckoo

on April 3 | in Cuckoos, Cuckoos+ | by | with Comments Off on Diederik cuckoo

Diederik cuckoo – Chrysococcyx caprius – is a smaller migratory/resident Afro/Arabian cuckoo, of Type – cuckoidal, Family Cuculidae and Order Cuculiformes. It is widely found over s s Africa with a small extension into S Arabia. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder over the Sahel states, Eritrea, E Yemen and S Oman.

Type - cuckoidal - nests as a brood parasite, usually solitary, 
Typical Habitat - Sahel, open woodland, savannas, wadi bushes, 

Order:	Cuculiformes
Family:	Cuculidae
Genus:	Chrysococcyx

Species -	Chrysococcyx caprius
Diederik cuckoo - Species - ebird.org
Diederik cuckoo - Species sheet - wikipedia.org
Diederik cuckoo - Birds - kidadl.com
Diederik cuckoo - Birds - wildlifesafari.info
Diederik cuckoo - Sounds & Maps - xeno-canto.org

Additional Material...
Diederik cuckoo - Images - google.com
Diederik cuckoo - Video - youtube.com
Diederik cuckoo - Datazone - birdlife.org

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