Great crested grebe

on July 4 | in Grebes, Grebes+ | by | with No Comments

The Great crested grebe Podiceps cristatus is the largest of the Old World Grebe, which are a species of Type – waterbird It has a very extensive range over Eurasia, Africa and Australasia. Within the AWB Range it has a breeding population in the Southern Caucasus, further South it becomes either resident or non-breeding. It winters in the Black Sea and along all the coasts of Turkey and the Levant down to the Nile Delta, In the Maghreb states it becomes resident in a few areas, but is supplemented by wintering birds along the coasts. Along the N coasts of the Arabian Gulf it winters in Iraq and Iran.

Type - waterbird - nests in vegetation on freshwater wetlands
Summer Habitat - estuaries, bays, lagoons, reservoirs,
Winter Habitat - freshwater lakes, reservoirs, sheltered coastal bays, coastal lagoons, 
Resident Habitat - mature rivers, vegetated lakes, 

Order:  Podicipediformes
Family: Podicipedidae
Genus: Podiceps

Species... Podiceps cristatus
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