Grey-headed swamphen

on July 18 | in Rails+, Swamphens | by | with No Comments

The Grey-headed swamphen –  Porphyrio poliocephalus is a large species of Type – marshfowl, Family Rallidae and Order Gruiformes. It is common across S E Asia and the Indian sub-continent but less so across the northern Middle East. In the AWB Region it is resident in Azerbaijan and NW Iran, the S coast of Turkey, Central and S Iraq, and SW Iran but it also occasionally found in the coastal lands of the S Arabian Gulf states.

Type - marshfowl - nesting often in small groups, 
Habitat - marshy vegetated wetlands, swamps, lakes, rivers, 

Order:  Gruiformes
Family: Rallidae
Genus: Porphyrio

Species... Porphyrio poliocephalus
Grey-headed swamphen - Species -
Grey-headed swamphen - Species sheet -
Grey-headed swamphen - Database - avibase
Grey-headed swamphen - Species -
Grey-headed swamphen - Sounds & Maps -

Additional Material...
Grey-headed swamphen - Images -
Grey-headed swamphen - Video -
Grey-headed swamphen - Database - avibase
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