Intermediate egret

on June 25 | in Egrets, Herons+ | by | with Comments Off on Intermediate egret

The Intermediate egret – Ardea intermedia is a mid-sized heron of the wading-bird Family Ardeidae and the Order Pelecaniformes. It is a largely resident species found in s s Africa, India, S & SE Asia and Australia. In the AWB Region it is found across the southern ends of the Sahel states, but a greater in E Sudan Eritrea, Djibouti and only in the south of Somalia. It is only an Accidental to Arabia.

Type - wading-bird - normally solitary, nests colonially in wet season,
Breeding Habitat - most flood plain shallow water wetlands and pastures,
Resident Habitat - rivers, lakes, marshes, wooded swamps, occasionally coastal and mangroves, 

Order:   Pelecaniformes
Family:  Ardeidae
Genus:  Ardea

Species - Ardea intermedia
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