The Little Stint – Calidris minuta, is a very small wader of the family Scolopacidae. It breeds in the High Arctic Region of Europe and Asia and is a long distance migrant to Africa and South Asia, mostly India. In the AWB Region it is a winter visitor to Azerbaijan, W and S Turkey, the Levant, N Syria, Jordan, Central Valleys of Iraq, the S coast of Iran, and around all the shores of the Arabian Peninsular. It winters along all the shores of N Africa from S Mauritania to S Somalia, plus the Nile Valley and is also present in the S Regions of all the Sahel states S of the Sahara.
Order. – Charadriiformes
Family – Scolopacidae
Genus..- Calidris
Species...Calidris minuta Little Stint - Species - Little Stint - Species sheet - Little Stint - Card Little Stint - Database - avibase Little Stint - Sounds & Maps -
Additional Material... Little Stint - Images - Little Stint - Video - Little Stint - Datazone -