Long-tailed duck

on August 1 | in Ducks, Ducks+ | by | with Comments Off on Long-tailed duck

The Long-tailed duck – Clangula hyemalis is a mid-sized Holarctic diving sea duck of Type waterbird, Family Anatidae and Order Anseriformes. It is a migratory species and is a summer breeder to the high and sub arctic regions of the world. In the winter it migrates to the offshore areas of the Norwegion Sea, the S Baltic and the British Isles. The AWB Region is far to the south, and so the Species is only found there as Accidental.

Type - waterbird - sea duck - nests on the ground near water,  
Summer Habitat - tundra sea coasts, ponds, lakes, marshes, 
Winter Habitat - mainly in S Baltic Sea, but also around the coasts of the British islands, Ireland and Norway, 

Order:	Anseriformes
Family:	Anatidae
Genus:	Clangula

Species - Clangula hyemalis
Long-tailed duck - Species - ebird.org
Long-tailed duck - Species sheet - wikipedia.org
Long-tailed duck - Species - animaldiversity.org
Long-tailed duck - Species - bto.org
Long-tailed duck - Sounds & Maps - xenp-canto.org

Additional Material...
Long-tailed duck - Images - google.com
Long-tailed duck - Video - youtube.com
Long-tailed duck - Datazone - birdlife.org

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