Spanish sparrow

on December 9 | in Old world sparrows, Old-world-sparrows+, Sparrows | by | with Comments Off on Spanish sparrow

Spanish sparrow – Passer hispaniolensis – is a migratory/resident Eurasian sparrow of Type – granivore, Family Passeridae and Order Passeriformes. It is found across N Africa, and Eurasia to E Kazakhstan. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder to Turkey, the N Levant, the S Caucasus and N Iran. It is resident in Cyprus, the S Levant, N Libya and the N Maghreb states. Wintering areas are found in Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, N UAE, N KSA, S Jordan, Sinai and in all the N African, Mediterranean countries.

Type - granivore - typically found in the same areas as the House sparrow,
Typical habitat - farmland and urban  buildings, open wooded areas,

Order:	Passeriformes
Family:	Passeridae
Genus:	Passer

Species -	Passer hispaniolensis
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Spanish sparrow - Species sheet -
Spanish sparrow - Database - avibase
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