White-throated robin – Irania gutturalis – is a migratory SW Asian chat of Type – sallyer, Family Muscicapidae and Order Passeriformes. It is a summer breeder to SW Asia and migrates in winter to Eastern Africa. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder to Turkey, Iran, S Caucasus, and the Northern Areas of the Levant, Syria and Iraq. It is found on Passage in E Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti and W Somaliland, but its wintering range is further S, from Central Ethiopia to N Tanzania.
Type - sallyer - Summer Habitat - dry rocky, shrubby mountain slopes with scattered bushes Winter Habitat - open Acacia wooded areas, Order: Passeriformes Family: Muscicapidae Genus: Irania Species - Irania gutturalis White-throated robin - Species - ebird.org White-throated robin - Species sheet - wikipedia.org White-throated robin - Database - avibase White-throated robin - Species - vogelwarte.ch White-throated robin - Sounds & Maps - xeno-canto.org Additional Material... White-throated robin - Images - google.com White-throated robin - Video - youtube.com White-throated robin - Datazone - birdlife.org