Double-spurred francolin

on August 3 | in Francolins, Pheasants+ | by | with Comments Off on Double-spurred francolin

The Double-spurred francolin – Pternistis bicalcaratus or Double-spurred spurfowl is a medium sized sedentary gamebird of Type – landfowl, Family Phasianidae and Order Galliformes. It is native to tropical West Africa but there are a few small isolated resident areas in Morocco. As noted above in the AWB Region it is found in Morocco but the main area in W Africa includes the extreme S, of Mauritania, Mali, Niger and Chad.

Type - landfowl - nests on the ground, 
Resident Habitat - Sahel type of savanna, open country with scattered trees, 

Order:	Galliformes
Family:	Phasianidae
Genus:	Pternistis

Species - Pternistis bicalcaratus
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Double-spurred francolin - Species - avibase
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