African skimmer

on August 29 | in Gulls+, Skimmers | by | with Comments Off on African skimmer

The African Skimmer – Rynchops flavirostris is a Resident species of Type – seabird, Family Laridae and Order Charadriiformes. It is found in s s Africa and more particularly in the AWB Region it is found Resident in suitable habitats in small areas in the extreme S of the Sahel states from Mauritania to Sudan. Although classed as a seabird and its inclusion in the Gulls+ Family Laridae, due to its method of feeding and the development of its extended lower bill, it is now predominantly a bird of calm inland waters.

Type - seabird - colonial, breeds on large sandbanks, nests on the ground, sometimes in mixed colonies,
Resident Habitat - large lakes, lagoons, rivers, with suitable large sandbanks for roosting and nesting, 
Dispersive Habitat - as above but movements are related to changing water levels and wet seasons, 

Order:	Charadriiformes
Family:	Laridae
Genus:	Rynchops

Species -	Rynchops flavirostris
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