Black-faced bunting

on December 3 | in Buntings, Old-world-buntings+ | by | with Comments Off on Black-faced bunting

Black-faced bunting – Emberiza spodocephala – is a migratory Asian bunting of Type – granivore, Family Emberizidae and Order Passeriformes. It is a summer breeder to Japan and E Siberia and in winter migrates to S China. The AWB Region lies outside of its normal range but it has been recorded as Accidental in the Levant.

Type - granivore - 
Summer Habitat - dense riverine undergrowth in the Taiga Region, 
Winter Habitat - near water in open and agricultural land with scattered trees and bushes,

Order:	Passeriformes
Family:	Emberizidae
Genus:	Emberiza

Species -	Emberiza spodocephala
Black-faced bunting - Species -
Black-faced bunting - Species sheet -
Black-faced bunting - Species -
Black-faced bunting - Database - avibase
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