Eurasian kestrel

on July 25 | in Falcons+, Kestrels | by | with Comments Off on Eurasian kestrel

The Eurasian kestrel – Falco tinnunculus or Common kestrel is a small species of Type – diurnal-raptor of the Family Falconidae and the Order Falconiformes. It is widespread across the Old World. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder to NE Turkey, the S Caucasus and NW Iran. Elsewhere in the region, apart from true deserts, it can be found as resident in suitable environments that provide enough small creatures for prey, in semi-deserts and upwards. But even in the central Sahara there are a few areas that serve small populations of wintering birds.

Type - diurnal-raptor - 
Summer Habitat - open lowlands, farmlands, fields, moorland, 
Resident Habitat - grassy steppes, open grassy Savannas, wetlands, higher ground in the Tropical areas, 

Order:	Falconiformes
Family:	Falconidae
Genus:	Falco

Species - Falco tinnunculus
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