Greater whitethroat

on October 30 | in Sylviid-warblers+, Warbler Curruca, Warbler5, Whitethroats | by | with Comments Off on Greater whitethroat

Greater whitethroat – Curruca communis – or Common whitethroat is a small migratory Eurasian warbler of Type – insectivore, Family Sylviidae and Order Passeriformes. It is a summer breeder from W Europe to Central Mongolia, and migrates in winter to s s Africa. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder to Iran, S Caucasus, Turkey, the Levant and the N Maghreb states. It is a winter visitor across the S of all the Maghreb states + Eritrea, Djibouti and Samaliland.

Type - insectivore - 
Summer Habitat - open country, agricultural lands, with scattered bushes, 
Winter Habitat - Sahel country to open scattered wooded areas, 

Order:	Passeriformes
Family:	Sylviidae
Genus:	Curruca

Species -	Curruca communis
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