Western yellow wagtail

on December 22 | in Wagtails, Wagtails+ | by | with Comments Off on Western yellow wagtail

Western yellow wagtail – Motacilla flava – is a small migratory Eurasian passerine of Type – insectivore, Family Motacillidae and Order Passeriformes. It is a extensive summer breeder over Eurasia, but becomes resident in a few limited more temperate areas, and in winter migrates to S Asia and Africa. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder to Turkey, the S Caucasus, Iran and small areas of N Syria and N Iraq. It becomes resident in NW Morocco and the Nile Valley of Egypt and N Sudan. The main wintering area is s s Africa, starting in the S of the Sahel Belt states, plus Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia. In addition there are a few small isolated wintering areas in KSA, W Yemen, N UAE and Oman.

Type - insectivore - nests near ground in tussocks,
Typical Habitat - open country near water, marshes, grassy wetland margins,

Order:	Passeriformes
Family:	Motacillidae
Genus:	Motacilla

Species - Motacilla flava
Western yellow wagtail - Species - ebird.org
Western yellow wagtail - Species sheet - wikipedia.org
Western yellow wagtail - Card - oiseaux-birds.com
Western yellow wagtail - Species - rspb.org.uk
Western yellow wagtail - Sounds & Maps - xeno-canto.org

Additional Material...
Western yellow wagtail - Images - google.com
Western yellow wagtail - Video - youtube.com
Western yellow wagtail - Datazone - birdlife.org

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