Arabian bustard

on August 7 | in Bustards, Bustards+ | by | with Comments Off on Arabian bustard

The Arabian bustard – Ardeotis arabs is a large sedentary ground bird of Type – landfowl, Family Otididae and Order Otidiformes. It is found across the Sahel Corridor and into SW Arabia. All these areas are within the AWB Region but in more detail in the Red Sea area the resident range extends to include all of Eritrea and Djibouti, W Yemen and SW KSA.

Type - landfowl - 
Habitat - Sahel corridor, semi-desert, dry savannah and grassy plains with dispersed Acacias,

Order:	Otidiformes
Family:	Otididae
Genus:	Ardeotis

Species - Ardeotis arabs 
Arabian bustard - Species -
Arabian bustard - Species sheet -
Arabian bustard - Species - avibase
Arabian bustard - Taxa -
Arabian bustard - Sounds & Maps -

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Arabian bustard - Datazone -

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