Dark Chanting-goshawk

on January 6 | in Chanting-goshawks, Eagles+ | by | with Comments Off on Dark Chanting-goshawk

Dark Chanting-goshawk – Melierax metabates – is a medium sized Raptor of the Family Accipitridae, the Order Accipitriformes and is of Type – diurnal-raptor. It is mainly resident across most of Sub-Saharan Africa, except in arid regions, dense forests, the Horn of Africa and S Africa. There is a small isolated population in S Morocco, and also in SW Yemen. Some dispersal takes place during the dry season.

Type – diurnal-raptor – nests in trees, usually in denser woodland
Resident Habitat: variety of more mature woodlands,

Order..: Accipitriformes
Family.: Accipitridae
Genus..: Melierax

Species: Melierax metabates
Dark Chanting-goshawk – Species ebird.org
Dark Chanting-goshawk – Species Card – oiseaux-birds.com
Dark Chanting-goshawk – Species Fact Sheet – birdlife.org
Dark Chanting-goshawk – Species Results – globalraptors.org
Dark Chanting-goshawk – Range & calls – xeno-canto.org
Dark Chanting-goshawk – Sightings – ebird.org

Additional Material…
Dark Chanting-goshawk – Images – google.ae
Dark Chanting-goshawk – Video feeding young – youtube.com
Dark Chanting-goshawk – Species Sheet – sabap2.adu.org.za
Dark Chanting-goshawk – Redlist status – iucnredlist.org

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