Eastern black-eared wheatear

on November 15 | in Old-world-flycatchers+, wheatear | by | with Comments Off on Eastern black-eared wheatear

Eastern black-eared wheatear – Oenanthe melanoleuca – is a small migratory Eurasian wheatear of Type sallyer, Family Muscicapidae and Order Passeriformes. NOTE this species and another, the Western black-eared wheatear have recently been created by raising the two previous sub-species of the former Black-eared wheatear, to species level. At the moment Birdlife have not yet updated their distribution maps to follow suit, according to their xeno-canto map, the Eastern black-eared wheatear is a summer breeder from Italy to Central Asia and migrates in winter to the Sahel Belt countries plus Eritrea, additionally in the AWB Region it is a summer breeder to Turkey, S Caucasus, Iran, Iraq and the Levant.

Type - sallyer - 
Summer Habitat - open country with scattered trees, 
Winter Habitat - Sahel Belt

Order:	Passeriformes
Family:	Muscicapidae
Genus:	Oenanthe

Species -	Oenanthe melanoleuca
Eastern black-eared wheatear - Species - ebird.org
Eastern black-eared wheatear - Species sheet - wikipedia.org
Eastern black-eared wheatear - Database - avibase
Eastern black-eared wheatear - Birdfacts - app.bto.org
Eastern black-eared wheatear - Sounds & Maps - xeno-canto.org

Additional Material...
Eastern black-eared wheatear - Images - google.com
Eastern black-eared wheatear - Video - youtube.com
Eastern black-eared wheatear - Datazone - birdlfe.org

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