Eurasian scops-owl

on July 9 | in Owls+, Scops-owls | by | with Comments Off on Eurasian scops-owl

The Eurasian scops-owl – Otus scops is a small species of Type – nocturnal-raptor of the typical owl Family Strigidae and the Order Strigiformes. It is a summer breeder to Eurasia, and migrates to s s Africa in the winter. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder to the Maghreb states, the Levant, Turkey, S Caucasus, Iran and to only a small population in Iraq. There is a small wintering population in SW Yemen but the main wintering area is across Africa from the Sahel down to the equator.

Type - nocturnal raptor - typical owl, 
Summer Habitat - Large open deciduous woodlands, parks, orchards, gardens, nests in holes in trees, 
Winter Habitat - roosts in trees and hollows, 

Order:   Strigiformes
Family:  Strigidae
Genus:  Otus

Species - Otus scops
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