Little owl

on July 12 | in Owls, Owls+ | by | with Comments Off on Little owl

The Little owl – Athene noctua is a small species of the Type – nocturnal-raptor owl Family Strigidae and the Order Strigiformes. It is found as a resident across the temperate and warmer parts of Europe, the Middle East through Central Asia to the Far East, and N Africa. In the AWB Region it is found as a dispersed resident to a more or less degree in all AWB countries except Comoros.

Type - nocturnal raptor - 
Resident Habitat - open country in many varied habitats, woodland margins, fields with hedgerows & trees,   
                               orchards, parks, gardens., semi-desert with rocky outcrops, cliffs, dunes, isolated buildings,

Order:   Strigiformes
Family:  Strigidae
Genus:  Athene

Species - Athene noctua
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