Moustached warbler

on October 15 | in Reed-warblers+, warbler Acrocephalus, Warbler1 | by | with Comments Off on Moustached warbler

Moustached warbler – Acrocephalus melanopogon – is a mid-sized warbler of Type – insectivore, Family Acrocephalidae and Order Passeriformes. It is found from Spain to Central Asia, in both migratory and resident populations in a patchwork across the range. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder to W & E Turkey, Azerbaijan, Armenia and NW Iran, elsewhere across the N Middle East is a patchwork of resident and wintering populations particularly in the S Levant. In the N African Mediterranean states there are wintering areas in N Egypt, N Morocco and Tunisia and there are very small resident populations in Tunisia and Morocco.

Type - insectivore - nest is built over water,
Typical Habitat - sedge and reed beds with scattered bushes,
Order:       Passeriformes
Family:      Acrocephalidae
Genus:      Acrocephalus

Species -  Acrocephalus melanopogon
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