Black-bellied sandgrouse

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The Black-bellied sandgrouse – Pterocles orientalis, is a Eurasian terrestrial bird of Type – landfowl, Family Pteroclidae and Order Pterocliformes. It has two populations, one resident from NW Africa through Europe and the N Middle East, the other a summer breeder to Central Asia which migrates S and W to winter in the Middle East and SW Asia. In the AWB Region it is resident in Iran, S Caucasus, Turkey, Cyprus, S Levant, NW Libya and the N Maghreb states. It winters in the Levant, Syria and Iraq.

Type - landfowl - nests on the ground, 
Summer Habitat - dry open steppes and plains, 
Winter Habitat - open treeless country,
Resident Habitat - semi-desert, savannahs, 

Order:	Pterocliformes
Family:	Pteroclidae
Genus:	Pterocles

Species - Pterocles orientalis
Black-bellied sandgrouse - Species -
Black-bellied sandgrouse - Species sheet -
Black-bellied sandgrouse - Species -
Black-bellied sandgrouse - Database - avibase
Black-bellied sandgrouse - Sounds & Maps -

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