Curlew sandpiper

on August 19 | in Sandpipers, Sandpipers+ | by | with No Comments

The Curlew sandpiper – Calidris ferruginea is a medium sized wader of the family Scolopacidae. It is a summer breeder to the Arctic Tundra of Siberia and migrates S to Africa, SE Asia and Australia. In the AWB Region it is a winter visitor to S Central Iraq, the S coasts of the Arabian Gulf and the E of Oman to Masirah, and W Yemen. In Africa it has several wintering areas on the Maghreb coasts, but the main wintering areas are coastal Mauritania, Central Mali, S Niger, Central Chad, S Sudan and coastal Sudan, Eritrea, Djibouti and Somalia.

Order:  Charadriiformes
Family: Scolopacidae
Genus:  Calidris

Species...Calidris ferruginea
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