Eurasian moorhen

on July 17 | in Moorhens, Rails+ | by | with No Comments

The Eurasian moorhenGallinula chloropus or Common moorhen is a medium sized species of Type – marshfowl, Family Rallidae and Order Gruiformes. It is very widespread across Eurasia and Africa. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder in The South Caucasus. Elsewhere it is sporadically resident in its suitable habitat across the region. A few areas where it is a non breeding visitor can be found in Algeria, Libya, Egypt, Sudan’s Nile Valley, and Chad.

Type - marshfowl - builds nests on ground, hidden in dense vegetation,
Habitat - varied well vegetated wetlands, ponds, marshes, lakes, canals, 

Order:  Gruiformes
Family: Rallidae
Genus:  Gallinula

Species...Gallinula chloropus
Eurasian moorhen - Species -
Eurasian moorhen - Species sheet -
Eurasian moorhen - Database - avibase
Eurasian moorhen - Species -
Eurasian moorhen - Sounds & Maps -

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