Pallas’s gull

on September 14 | in Gulls, Gulls+ | by | with No Comments

The Pallas’s gull – Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus or Great black-headed gull is a large migratory gull of Type – seabird of the family Laridae and the Order Charadriiformes. It is a summer breeder of Central Asia from E Ukraine to W Mongolia. In the winter it migrates S to the coasts of the Arabian Peninsular and S Asia. In the AWB Region it is a summer breeder to the S coasts of the Caspian Sea in S Azerbaijan and N Iran. In winter in addition to the areas given above it is also found in NE Egypt, Sinai, and a few small inland locations in Syria.

Type - seabird - colonial breeder,
Summer Habitat - large lakes, inland seas, on islands and marshes, 
Winter Habitat - coastal areas and waters around the Arabian Peninsular, 

Order:  Charadriiformes
Family: Laridae
Genus:  Ichthyaetus

Species...Ichthyaetus ichthyaetus
Pallas's gull - Species -
Pallas's gull - Species sheet -
Pallas's gull - Database - avibase
Pallas's gull - Birds -
Pallas's gull - Sounds & Maps -

Additional Material...
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Pallas's gull - Video -
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