Eurasian Marsh-harrier

on January 7 | in Eagles+, Marsh-harriers | by | with No Comments

Eurasian Marsh-harrier – Circus aeruginosus – or Western Marsh-harrier, is a large harrier of the Family Accipitridae, Order Accipitriformes and is of Type – diurnal-raptor. It is present across Western Europe to Central Eurasia. In the AWB Region it is resident in the Maghreb, Turkey, the southern Caucasus, the Black Sea region of Iran and the head of the Arabian Gulf. Central Asian birds winter across India. European birds winter in the Nile Valley, the Sahel and East Africa, with smaller populations in SW Yemen and the UAE. There are two sub-species the migratory one across Eurasia, and the sedentary one in the coastal areas of the Maghreb states, which also increased by some migratory birds in the winter.

Type - diurnal-raptor - nests in reedbeds or arable fields.
Summer Habitat - reedbeds in large wetlands and marshes, and adjacent open farmland and grasslands, 
Winter Habitat - the Nile Valley, the Sahel belt and the African Great Lakes region
Resident Habitat - coastal areas of the Maghreb states,

Order..: Accipitriformes
Family.: Accipitridae
Genus..: Circus

Species – Circus aeruginosus
Eurasian Marsh-harrier – Species –
Eurasian Marsh-harrier – Species Sheet –
Eurasian Marsh-harrier – Species Sheet –
Eurasian Marsh-harrier – Species Sheet – avibase
Eurasian Marsh-harrier – Range and Calls –

Additional Material...
Eurasian Marsh Harrier - Images -
Eurasian Marsh Harrier - Video -
Eurasian Marsh-harrier - Datazone -

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